Starbar — 0.4% Altosid IGR Horn Fly Control Insecticide

About This Product
EID 003-100542560
Horn flies spend their time biting cattle’s backs and midlines, spreading down their sides. This location is tough for cattle to reach, leading to the irritation that causes cattle to go off feed. To stop this problem, it is easier to attack flies where they lay their eggs and prevent the emergence of future populations.
Altosid ® IGR is an insect growth regulator (IGR) that passes through the animal and into the manure, where horn flies lay their eggs. It breaks the horn fly life cycle, preventing pupae from developing into biting adult flies. There’s no need to round up or handle cattle because the animals spread the horn fly control as they graze, placing it in the exact location where horn flies lay their eggs.
Horn Fly Life Cycle
- Altosid ® IGR is ingested with the cattle’s mineral or feed. As they graze, cattle disperse the IGR via their manure.
- Adult horn flies live 2-4 weeks, taking 20-40 blood meals per day.
- Female flies leave the animal for a few seconds to lay eggs in fresh manure less than 5 minutes old.
- In 1-2 days, eggs hatch into larvae.
- In 3-5 days, the horn fly larvae molt into pupae.
- Pupae molt into adults in 6-8 days. Altosid ® IGR breaks the horn fly life cycle here before that happens, preventing adults from emerging.
Control Resistant Flies
An effective fly control program keeps horn fly levels at less than 200 flies per animal. Altosid ® IGR controls horn flies resistant to the organophosphates and pyrethroids commonly used in conventional cattle fly control products. In more than 40 years of use, there have been no known cases of insect resistance to Altosid ® IGR.