SI-RO-MARK — Marking Fluid/Branding Paint for Sheep

About This Product
SI-RO-MARK fluid is the only sheep marking fluid approved as properly scourable by all of the world's leading wool processors.
1.06 gallon
- Shake tin and stir well with a broad flat paddle before using.
- Dip the face of the Premier Branding Iron in the fluid. Let the paint drip off the iron (into the can) to remove excess paint.
- Press firmly against the sheep.
- Let the sheep go after branding to prevent rubbing and smearing.
- Mix paint (shake/stir) well.
- In cold climates, set the can in a warm room or warm water bath for 5-10 minutes as the paint thickens when cool.
- Use thin paint brands, not thick. The thicker the brand, the more paint is applied that needs to be or can't be washed out later.
- During application, let the paint drip off the iron (into the can) to remove excess paint.
- Brand on head, top of shoulders or neck. (Avoid the middle of the back or side for branding. This places paint in the highest value portion of the fleece.)
- Put paint in a fire to warm or thin it
- Mix paints from different manufacturers
- Let paint freeze
- Dilute unless otherwise directed by the manufacturer (consult the label)
The latest formulation has been tested by CSIRO and proven to be scourable, though obviously the most scourable mark is no mark at all.