Elanco — Catron IV Spray 10 oz.

About This Product
EID 003-80772130
Catron IV (0.05% Permethrin) is a screwworm and ear tick aerosol spray used to aid in the control of insect pests on beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep, goats, hogs, and horses. For use on wounds to kill and repel flies and fly maggots. Kills and repels face flies on livestock, controls ear ticks on livestock. A pressurized Screwworm killer and Ear tick treatment for use immediately after dehorning. May be used on to kill these pests on beef cattle, horses, swine, sheep and goats. Do not use on swine within 5 days of slaughter.
- Controls poultry lice
- Controls blood sucking lice
- Treat navel of newborn animals
- For use on wounds to kill and repel flies and fly maggots. Kills and repels face flies on livestock, controls ear ticks on livestock.
- This pesticide is extremely toxic to aquatic organisms, including fish and invertebrates.
- Kills and controls screwworms, fleece worms, and other blowfly maggots in or around superficial wounds
- This pesticide is highly toxic to bees exposed to direct treatment on blooming crops and weeds.
- For use on wounds to kill and repel flies and fly maggots.
- Controls ear ticks on livestock
- Kills and repels face flies on livestock