Pneu-Dart Inc — CCI Power Loads
About This Product
BrandPneu-Dart Inc
CCI Power Loads are available in the following three strengths: brown, green and yellow. For general reference, we have created a Power Control Chart to help sight in your projector.
2A2 Brown = light
3C22 Green = medium
4C22 Yellow = heavy
3C22 Green = medium
4C22 Yellow = heavy
The power loads should be used in conjunction with the Power Control Chart that comes with your dart projector and accounts for RDD Dart size and distance from the target animal.
We recommend using CCI Branded Power Loads as these have proved to be the most consistent and are what the Power Control Charts have been developed around.
Other brands of power loads and nail gun charges can be used however you need to be mindful that these are not as consistent as CCI charges and have different powder combinations as they are intended for different purposes so you will not acheive the same consistency and results as you will with CCI charges.
Other brands of power loads and nail gun charges can be used however you need to be mindful that these are not as consistent as CCI charges and have different powder combinations as they are intended for different purposes so you will not acheive the same consistency and results as you will with CCI charges.
It is not recommended to use power loads stronger than YELLOW as you run the risk of causing injury to the animals if not controlled correctly and possible damage to your dart projector.