Huvepharma — CORID 20% Soluble Powder

This product can only be sold in the United States and Canada.
About This Product
EID 001-00032
An aid in the treatment and prevention of coccidiosis in calves. Mix CORID daily with fresh drinking water for five consecutive days as a treatment or twenty-one consecutive days as a preventative measure. When using as a treatment, provide to all animals in a herd, pen, or group; when one or more calves show clinical signs of coccidiosis, it is likely that the entire group has been exposed. To help prevent coccidiosis, provide CORID in the drinking water of animals during periods of exposure, stress, or when experience indicates that coccidiosis may be likely to occur.
A really effective product for treatment or Coccidiosis. Prevention is always the best, as in any disease, and the best thing you could do is to be sure your loft floor is dry. Many fancy breeds spend a lot of time on the floor, breeds such as Fantails, Muffed Breeds, Runts, Kings, etc. These breeds are more susceptible to Coccidiosis because if the floor is damp this creates the ideal breeding ground for Coccidiosis. The powder is 1 tsp/gal. The liquid , which is 9.6% is used at the rate of 2 teaspoons to a gallon and used for a suggested 7 days. The powder, which is 20%, is used at the rate of one teaspoon per gallon and also used for a suggested 7 days. Coccidiosis is not a disease it is a protozoa or similar to a very small bug, and usually has droppings of very light green which may include small amounts of blood. Coccidiosis is quite common in pigeons, and if you suspect your birds may have it, you may want to send in a sample of the droppings to Foys. We partner with a veterinarian who will look at the droppings thru a microscope and will know right away if Coccidiosis is present. He will also be able to tell you if worms are present. The way to send the droppings is listed elsewhere in Foys catalog.
Directions: Easy to administer, just mix with drinking water or administer as a drench. 24 hours slaughter withdrawal. Do not use in calves to be processed for vea
- Available in 10oz packet.
- Can be used as both prevention and treatment for coccidiosis.
- Do not combine with anything else and change the treated water daily
- Corid is available in several forms to make using in any livestock operation simpler.
- By preventing infections there is less damage to the calves’ intestines improving digestive and overall health.
- Multiple forms of the product make it easy to implement into any operation. It is approved for use in natural beef programs.
- To be used as an aid in the treatment and prevention of bovine coccidiosis caused by Eimeria bovis and Eimeria zuernii in calves.