Country Vet — Farm & Dairy 80D Insect Control Spray 18.5 oz.

About This Product
BrandCountry Vet
Flying insect killer farm & dairy - cv-80d spray aerosol size ozs. =18.5 Better particle break up and efficacy. Dimethyl ether-based. Kills and repels house flies, barn flies, deer flies, stable flies, face flies, horn flies, lice and cluster flies, mosquitoes, small flying moths, gnats, cockroaches, flees, and Asian beetles. For use in beef cattle operations, dairy farms, hog operations, kennels, barns, stables, farms, animal quarters, milkrooms, and poultry houses. Active ingredients: Pyrethrins 0.50 percent. Piperonyl Butoxide (technical) 4.00 percent. Inert ingredients: 95.50 percent. Contains no CFCs or other ozone depleting substances.
Unique solvent-based formula specifically created for agricultural use. 0.50% Pyrethrins and 4.0% PBO deliver instant knockdown and quick kill of biting flies, house, flies and mosquitoes, as well as many crawling insects. Use as a premise spray or directly on animals. Better particle break up and efficacy. Dimethyl ether-based. Kills and repels house flies, barn flies, deer flies, stable flies, face flies, horn flies, lice and cluster flies, mosquitoes, small flying moths, gnats, cockroaches, flees, and Asian beetles. For use in beef cattle operations, dairy farms, hog operations, kennels, barns, stables, farms, animal quarters, milkrooms, and poultry houses. Active ingredients: Pyrethrins 0.50 percent. Piperonyl Butoxide (technical) 4.00 percent. Inert ingredients: 95.50 percent. Contains no CFCs or other ozone depleting substances.
- Instant Knockdown Kills and Repels House Flies, Barn Flies, Deer Flies, Stable Flies
- Fastest Knockdown and Kill
- Active Ingredients: Pyrethrin.