First Defense — Bolus (Calf) 30 count

About This Product
BrandFirst Defense
First Defense delivers Immediate Immunity for newborn dairy and beef calves. First Defense is the only USDA and CFIA approved, colostrum derived, product to defend against K99+ E. coli and coronavirus. First Defense is the easiest scours prevention product to use with the most accurate dosage. OMRI listed, suggested for use in organic operations. First Defense is a natural product of bovine origin offering guaranteed levels of protection against both bacterial and viral scours (E. coli and Coronavirus) in calves. Single dose provides antibody driven immediate immunity. No vaccination stress. USDA Veterinary Biologic. OMRI listed for organic operations.Dosage: Administer 1 capsule to neonatal calves within 12 hours of birth. Can administer along with colostrum.
First Defense is a capsule containing antibodies which aid in the reduction of morbidity and mortality from neonatal calf scours caused by K99+ E. coli and bovine coronavirus. Maximal protection is achieved when administered in the first 12 hours after birth and used in conjunction with good colostrum feeding and calf nutrition programs. Neutralizing antibodies against bovine coronavirus as well as antibodies specific for E. coli K99+ pilus antigens present in First Defense are prepared from hyperimmune bovine colostrum. A First Defense capsule containing dried colostral antibodies dissolves readily upon reaching the calf’s stomach to provide passive protection against intestinal infection. Specific antibodies in First Defense serve to block enterotoxigenic E. coli adherence and interfere with virus infection of intestinal epithelial cells, thereby reducing scours-related morbidity and mortality.
First Defense provides Immediate Immunity and consistent antibody levels to protect newborn calves against E. coli and coronavirus. The maternal immunoglobulins and standardized levels of E. coli and coronavirus antibodies bind and neutralize pathogens, minimizing death loss from these 2 major causes of scours. Ingredients meet NOP/USDA standards for use on organic farms. No colostrum withholding time—administer as soon as possible after birth along with maternal colostrum. Give bolus orally using First Defense Bolus gun or mix the highly concentrated powder directly into colostrum or colostrum replacer.
Dosage and Administration
Administer one bolus per calf within the first 12 hours after birth. Do not vaccinate calves with oral coronavirus or rotavirus products within 5 days of administering First Defense.
Administer one bolus per calf within the first 12 hours after birth. Do not vaccinate calves with oral coronavirus or rotavirus products within 5 days of administering First Defense.
FIRST DEFENSE has been tested in a total of 473 beef and dairy calves under both laboratory and field conditions. No allergic or other adverse reactions were observed.
FIRST DEFENSE has been tested in a total of 473 beef and dairy calves under both laboratory and field conditions. No allergic or other adverse reactions were observed.
Clinical studies showed that 90% (18 of 20) of calves treated with FIRST DEFENSE in the first 12 hours after birth survived without additional treatment following a severe challenge of K99+ E. coli. In contrast, only 40% (4 of 10) of control calves survived the study interval (five days) under the same challenge conditions. Morbidity, as measured by fecal scores and dehydration scores, was also significantly reduced in FIRST DEFENSE-treated calves when compared to control calves in this K99+ E. coli challenge trial.
In a similar challenge study with virulent, calf-passaged coronavirus, animals receiving FIRST DEFENSE had a significant reduction in mortality (0/18 deaths) when compared to untreated controls (4/10 deaths). FIRST DEFENSE-treated also showed a significant reduction in scouring and dehydration compared to control animals in this study.
FIRST DEFENSE capsules are supplied in individual, moisture resistant blister packs which can be stored at, or below room temperature -23°C (72°F). Product is not harmed by freezing. If frozen, allow blister package capsule to warm to room temperature before removal from blister and administration. Capsules should remain in their blister packs until administered. Anaphylactic reactions may occur. If an anaphylactic reaction occurs after feeding FIRST DEFENSE, administer epinephrine, or equivalent. Improper administration of the capsule may cause choking. See the Directions for more information.
FIRST DEFENSE capsules are supplied in individual, moisture resistant blister packs which can be stored at, or below room temperature -23°C (72°F). Product is not harmed by freezing. If frozen, allow blister package capsule to warm to room temperature before removal from blister and administration. Capsules should remain in their blister packs until administered. Anaphylactic reactions may occur. If an anaphylactic reaction occurs after feeding FIRST DEFENSE, administer epinephrine, or equivalent. Improper administration of the capsule may cause choking. See the Directions for more information.
- Available in 5 and 30 dose
- USDA-approved boluses
- 24-month shelf life
- No slaughter withhold
- OMRI listed—verify with your certifying agency before using
- Protects against E.coli and coronavirus
- Provides immediate protection to the newborn calves when they are most susceptible
- Made from hyper-immunized bovine colostrum, meaning the antibodies are readily absorbed by the calf’s system
- The only USDA-licensed, orally delivered scours preventive product on the market for calves with claims against E. coli K99 and Coronavirus
- Provides bovine antibodies that newborn calves need but are unable to produce on their own immediately after birth
- First Defense milk antibody products provide Immediate ImmunityTM during the first few critical days of life when calves need this protection