NEOGEN — Prozap Insectrin Dust Shaker 2 lbs.

Manufacturer Label
Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
About This Product
EID 048-1499530
For the control of horn flies, lice and face flies on beef and dairy cattle and horses; lice on swine; northern fowl mites on poultry; fleas, ticks and lice on dogs and cats. Prozap Insectrin Dust Shaker works to manage ticks, fleas, mites, northern fowl, flies, and lice. Formulated for use as a direct application repellent, this ready-to-use product is for poultry, swine, horses, and livestock as well as pets and pet bedding.
Beef and dairy cattle and horses - Apply 2 oz dust per animal by shaker can or dust glove over the head, neck, shoulders, back and legs. Swine - Apply 1 oz per head by shaker can or suitable mechanical applicator to head, shoulder and back. Poultry - Apply at a rate of 1 lb per 100 birds. Ensure thorough treatment of vent area. Pets - Use outside or in well-ventilated areas. Wear gloves and avoid pet’s eyes, nose, mouth and genital areas. Brush pet’s hair to work dust down to the skin. For pets under 20 lbs - 1/2 oz; over 20 lbs - 1 oz. Repeat every 2 weeks.
- A general-purpose livestock and poultry dust.
- Available in 2 lb shaker can or 12.5 lb bag.
- Also treats fleas, tick, and lice on dogs and cats.
- Contains 1% Co-Ral with the active ingredient permethrin.
- For use on beef and dairy cattle, horses, swine, poultry, dogs and cats
- To control horn flies and lice on beef and dairy cattle; lice on swine; horn flies on horses.
- Formulated for use as a direct application repellent, this ready-to-use product is for poultry, swine, horses, and livestock as well as pets and pet bedding.