Prozap — Prozap Mole & Gopher Pelleted Bait 1 lb.

About This Product
Neogen Prozap Mole and Gopher Bait is a pelleted bait containing the powerful rodenticide, zinc phosphide. Use to eliminate gophers, moles, rats and mice. This fast-acting formula attracts these animals with protein concentrations in a small pelleted form —rodents can’t resist. Easy to use measuring scoop to dispense the bait. Direct application to underground burrows, tunnels and mounds eliminates moles and gophers where they live. May be used for spot treatments in and around buildings, orchards and groves, vineyards, rangeland and non-crop areas such as lawns, ornamentals, golf courses, parks and nurseries. Fast acting: Kills within hours after a single feeding. For best results, use in late spring or early fall. Prozap pellets contain a special hardening agent to withstand up to 1.5 inches of rain before melting. Pellets are made in a size preferred by moles.
An economical solution to treat large infestations of mice or rats in and around livestock and poultry buildings
An economical solution to treat large infestations of mice or rats in and around livestock and poultry buildings
- Product easily filters through vegetation
- Active ingredient: zinc phosphate (2.0%)
- Easier to use than setting traps and checking them
- Do not apply this product by use of artificial burrow builder
- Provides effective control against damaging moles and gophers
- Do not apply in gardens where food or feed may be contaminated
- Manufactured with a special blend of processed grains which are especially appealing to rodents