Purina Mills LLC — Chick Electrolyte 3 pack

About This Product
EID 3007540-146
BrandPurina Mills LLC
Purina® Electrolyte & Antioxidant Supplement is designed to keep your flock hydrated and healthy during periods of heat and times of stress. Easy to use, just mix one packet with a gallon of fresh water to help keep your birds active and lively.
Life Stage
- Chicks & Pullets
- Laying Hens
- Other Poultry
- Treats & Supplements
Feeding Directions:
Mix a single packet (approx. 0.25 ounces of powder) into 1 gallon of clean, cool water (1/4 packet or 1/16th oz per quart of water). Offer the mixed solution to birds during periods of stress and after antibiotic treatment. If using with Purina® Chick Probiotic, mix one packet of each product into the same gallon of water. Offer the mixed solution AND plain drinking water at all times during hot weather or other stress. Important: Make fresh solution daily.
- Formulated with oregano oils
- Contains beta-carotene
- To enhance coloring in legs and beaks
- Convenient
- Mixes with drinking water, 1 pack per 1 gallon of water
- Can be used alone or with Purina® Probiotic Supplement for Poultry