Y-Tex — Livestock Insecticide Python Dust Refill (EACH)

About This Product
Y-Tex PYthon II Dust Livestock Insecticide is a topical application to aid in control of nuisance external parasites. Labeled for use on lactating and non-lactating animals; no age restrictions. It is effective in the control of horn flies, lice, ticks and keds; and aids in control of face flies, stable flies and other nuisance pests. Available in a 2-pound shaker, a dust kit (one A-line dust bag and one 12.5-pound refill), and a dust refill (two 12.5-pound refills). Offers a synergized, dual-action formula to control horn flies, biting lice, ticks and keds. Aids in the control of face flies, stable flies and other nuisance flies. For use on any age lactating and non-lactating dairy cattle, beef cattle, sheep, goats and horses.
Python Dust is an environmentally friendly dust for use on lactating and non-lactating dairy & beef cattle, sheep, goats and horses. The Dust controls horn flies, lice, ticks and keds. Aids in control of face flies, stable flies and other nuisance flies. Python Dust can be applied on any age of animal.
- There is no milk withholding or slaughter withdrawal.
- Two ingredients combined to provide a synergized formulation.
- Can be applied by dust bag, shaker can, dusting glove, or mechanical dust applicator.
- Provides maximum efficacy and residual activity against a wide variety of livestock pests.
- One 12.5 pound dust bag will treat up to 30 head of mature cattle and 2 pounds will treat up to 16 head for up to 8 weeks.
- Python Dust is an environmentally friendly dust for use on lactating and non-lactating dairy & beef cattle, sheep, goats and horses.
- The Dust controls horn flies, lice, ticks and keds. Aids in control of face flies, stable flies and other nuisance flies. Python Dust can be applied on any age of animal.