Donaghys — Sprayline Livestock Marker Spray

The easiest and most accurate stock marking spray that we have ever used or tested.
About This Product
EID 606000
Rapid drying marking system, suitable for most farm animals. Light stable and weather resistant. Specially formulated to give excellent results on wet or dry fleeces. Use for matching lambs and mothers, identifying fat, thin, diseased or cull animals in pens and chutes, and spot-marking sheep that have just been vaccinated or drenched. Fully scourable. Shake well before and during use.
Extremely flammable! Avoid breathing vapors. Use in a well ventilated area.
- Matching lambs and ewes
- Identifying fat, thin, diseased or cull animals in pens and chutes
- Spot-marking sheep that have just been vaccinated or drenched
- Widely used as a dairy cow flank and udder marker
- Provides more minutes of “spray time” per can than other sheep stock markers
- Produces a controlled spray so letters and numbers are easy to read
- Marks last 3–7 weeks