Zoetis — UltraChoice 8 Cattle & Sheep Vaccine

Safety Data Sheet
7298285.1.2024-03-01.pdf Retail Customers Vaccine Shipping Rates
FREE for orders of $250 or more
$23.50 for orders less than $250.
FREE for orders of $250 or more
$23.50 for orders less than $250.
Wholesale Customers Shipping Rates
FREE for all orders over $750.00
Regular freight rates for orders less than $750.00
Vaccines are packed with frozen ice packs; the same way veterinarians receive their vaccines. Vaccines are shipped on Monday through Thursday overnight delivery only.
Vaccine and Rx items are not returnable.
About This Product
EID 10000424
ULTRACHOICE 8 helps protect healthy cattle with a 2 mL dose against black leg caused by Clostridium chauvoei, malignant edema caused by Cl. septicum, bacillary hemoglobinuria caused by Cl. haemolyticum; black disease caused by Cl. novyi, gas-gangrene caused by Cl. sordellii, and enterotoxemia and enteritis caused by Cl. perfringens Types B, C and D. ULTRACHOICE 8 consists of killed, standardized cultures of Clostridium chauvoei, Cl. septicum, Cl. haemolyticum, Cl. novyi, Cl. sordellii, and Cl. perfringens types C and D, with a special, water-soluble adjuvant (Stimugen). For use in healthy cattle and sheep as an aid in preventing diseases caused by Cl. chauvoei, septicum, novyi, sordellii, haemolyticum and perfringens types C and D. Immunity may be provided against type B.
For use in healthy cattle and sheep as an aid in preventing diseases caused by the clostridial agents blackleg caused by Clostridium chauvoei malignant edema caused by Cl. septicum bacillary hemoglobinuria caused by CI. haemolyticum black disease caused by Cl. novyi gas-gangrene caused by Cl. sordellii and enterotoxemia and enteritis caused by Cl. perfringens Types B, C and D.
To be used in healthy cattle as an aid in the prevention of black leg caused by Clost. chauvoei; malignant edema produced by Clost. septicum; Bacillary hemoglobinuria or red water caused by Clost. haemolyticum; black disease caused by Clost. novyi; gas gangrene caused by Clost. sordellii; and enterotoxemia and enteritis caused by Clost. perfringens types B, C and D. Although Clost. perfringens type B is not a significant problem, immunity is provided by beta toxoid type C and opsilon toxoid type D.
Aseptically administer two 2-mL doses subcutaneously 4-6 weeks apart. In accordance with Beef Quality Assurance guidelines, this product should be administered subcutaneously (SC) under the skin.
Aseptically administer two 2-mL doses subcutaneously 4-6 weeks apart. In accordance with Beef Quality Assurance guidelines, this product should be administered subcutaneously (SC) under the skin.
Aseptically administer 1 mL subcutaneously in the neck, followed by a second dose 4-6 weeks later. Annual revaccination with a single dose is recommended.
Aseptically administer 1 mL subcutaneously in the neck, followed by a second dose 4-6 weeks later. Annual revaccination with a single dose is recommended.
For Cl. haemolyticum repeat the dose every 6 months in animals subject to reexposure.
Do not vaccinate within 21 days before slaughter. Contains formalin as preservative. Temporary local swelling at injection site may occur after administration. Field reports indicate that a transient reduction in milk production may occur following vaccination in dairy cattle. If anaphylaxis occurs following use, administer epinephrine or equivalent.
- Helps provide protection in a tissue-friendly 2mL dose against enterotoxemia and enteritis caused by CI. perfringens Types B, C and D
- Helps prevent clostridial diseases, which continue to be of major economic importance in cattle
- Clostridium bacteria are universally present in soil and the intestinal tract of cattle
- They produce potent toxins that can result in death of otherwise healthy animals, often with great speed
- Contains Stimugen, a patented, water-soluble adjuvant that enhances the immune response with minimal risk of injection-site reactions
- No age restrictions on use
- Also approved for use in sheep (see complete label instructions)
- Subcutaneous (SC) dose is 2mL followed by a second dose given four to six weeks later. Annual revaccination with a single dose is recommended