Animal Health
Diverse Animal Health Care Options
Old Mill Country Store is proud to carry a wide variety of supplies for your animals whether they’re pets, livestock, or both. We care about the health of all of your animals. That’s why we stock animal health supplies.
Animal Health

$12.50 – $26.95
Liquid Wormer™ 2X

MOR-MAX Goat De-wormer 3 lbs.

$36.99 – $102.95
Noromectin 1% Cattle/Swine De-wormer Injection

$38.99 – $269.00
Noromectin Plus Cattle De-wormer Injection

Panacur® Paste Equine De-wormer

Panacur® Powerpac Paste Equine De-wormer

Positive Pellet Goat De-wormer 6 lbs.

Poultry De-Wormer 5X 20 ct.

$25.49 – $331.75
Prohibit Soluble Drench De-wormer For Cattle & Sheep

Prozap Backrubber and Pour-On Xtra

$53.99 – $158.99
Prozap Standguard Pour On

Pyrantel Paste Equine De-wormer

Pyrantel-S Swine De-wormer

QUEST® Gel Oral Equine De-wormer

QUEST® PLUS Gel Oral Equine De-wormer

Safe-Guard 0.5% Multi-Species De-wormer Pellets

Safe-Guard Equi-Bits Deworming Pellets

Safe-Guard Goat De-wormer

$19.99 – $205.99
Safe-Guard Swine De-wormer 1.8%

$7.50 – $19.75
Safe-Guard® Canine De-wormer (fenbendazole)

Safe-Guard® ENPROAL® Molasses Block Type C free-choice medicated feed for Beef Cattle

Safe-Guard® Paste 10% (fenbendazole) De-wormer for Beef & Dairy Cattle

Safe-Guard® Paste Equine De-wormer

$175.99 – $456.99
SafeGuard 10% Suspension Cattle and Goat De-wormer