Animal Health
Diverse Animal Health Care Options
Old Mill Country Store is proud to carry a wide variety of supplies for your animals whether they’re pets, livestock, or both. We care about the health of all of your animals. That’s why we stock animal health supplies.
Animal Health

$6.99 – $27.99
Multi-Purpose First Aid Ointment

$15.50 – $27.95
NO THRUSH® All-Natural Powder

No-Bite Ear Mite & Tick Control for Dogs and Cats 4 oz.

Non- Adherent Pads 3" X 4"

Non-Adherent Pad 3" x 8"

OB Lube Lubricating Jelly

Oral Bolus Probiotic

Organic Iodine 20 Gram 1 lb.

Original Performance Poultice

Pet Care Spray

Pet First Aid Kit

$1.85 – $3.75
Petflex No Chew Bandage

Pierce's Wound Cream 12 oz.

Pine Tar

Povidone Iodine Surgical Scrub 7.5% 32 oz.

Povidone-Iodine 10% Solution Horse Wound Care, 32 oz.

Prebiotic Pet Balm 2 oz.

Premium Analgesic Liniment 13.2 oz.

Propylene Glycol 1 Gallon

Prozap Screw Worm/Ear Tick Aerosol 12 oz.

Relax 125 mg (Cat)

Relax 500 mg (Dog)

REVALOR-G Implants for Cattle10 ds.

Scarlet Oil Wound Dressing