Animal Health
Diverse Animal Health Care Options
Old Mill Country Store is proud to carry a wide variety of supplies for your animals whether they’re pets, livestock, or both. We care about the health of all of your animals. That’s why we stock animal health supplies.
Animal Health

$19.99 – $73.99
Betadine Solution 5% Povidone-iodine Antiseptic Microbicide

Betadine Surgical Scrub (Povidone Iodine)

$12.99 – $20.99
Bigeloil® Liniment

Bigeloil® Liniment Gel

$10.99 – $18.50
Biotin 100 Powder

Biotin Hoof Blast 10 lbs.

BiotinDAILY™ 2.5 lbs.

Bloat Release 12 oz.

Blood Stop Powder 16 oz.

Blu-Kote Pump Livestock Wound Spray

Blu-Kote Veterinary Antiseptic Spray for Animals 5 oz.

BlueLite C Powder 2 oz.

BlueLite® Replenishᴹ for Beef Calves

Bolus (Calf) 30 count

Bounce Back Multi-Species Electrolyte Supplement

BOVI-SERA 250 ml

$18.99 – $81.99
Bovi-Shield GOLD 5 Cattle Vaccine

$36.99 – $151.87
Bovi-Shield GOLD FP 5 VL5 Cattle Vaccine

$25.99 – $247.57
Bovi-Shield GOLD One Shot Cattle Vaccine

$19.99 – $68.90
Bovilis Cavalry 9 Cattle Vaccine

$19.00 – $68.09
Bovilis Covexin 8 Cattle and Sheep Vaccine

$59.39 – $287.88
Bovilis Guardian Cattle Vaccine

Bovilis Nasalgen 3

Bovilis Nasalgen 3-PMH Cattle Vaccine